Beyonce Knowles appears to have had some work done. First is an alleged tummy tuck back in 2003, and second what seems to be an obvious nose job. Our guess is she'll deny it but which other celeb wouldnt? Micheal Jackson claims to have had only 2 nose jobs. BS! Compare for yourselves.
seriously i cant stand her fake trifling ass
that is the only pic i hyave ever seen of her nose loking that pudgy ??? some people use make up to name their noses look different.
Damn, stop hating! The girl is doing the damn thing.
i dont think any1 is hating its just facts aint it?
I agree no one is hating, beyonce is quite fake IMO. from the interviews I read from Farrah franklin, I believe the girl is kinda shady. Even though you use make up i dont think it can completely change the structure of your appearnce
I don't think Bee had any nose jobs.
For real, I don't know of any make-up that can actually make your nose look like it shrink. Get real!!!
Excellent, love it! »
Actually it's more like 3 noses. She got her first nose job after her debut album and recently got it cut down a bit more. The evidence is in the booklet pictures of "Writings On The Wall" and The "Check On It" video which was done right after the second nose job. She looks startlingly different; they try to camouflage it, but the makeup actually emphasizes it more in my opinion. By the way, I love your blog. Keep it up!
the photos were taken from different angles, air brushed and she had her make up on differently... you see what u wanna see, i just don't think u like her too much.
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