STAR JONES REYNOLDS has hit back at former THE VIEW co-host BARBARA WALTERS' claim she was 'fired' from the show due to poor individual ratings. Walters, 74, was stunned when Jones Reynolds, 44, told viewers and her fellow presenters she would be leaving the ABC program after nine years yesterday morning (27JUN06), because the announcement was planned for Thursday (29JUN06). Walters, who created and produces the show, said, "I love Star and I was trying to do everything I possibly could - up until this morning when I was betrayed - to protect her. "I would have loved for Star to have left and not said 'I was fired,' and not make it look like the program was somehow being cruel to her." Walters admits ABC network bosses declined to renew Jones Reynolds' contract after research reportedly showed audiences were turned off by the former lawyer's dramatic weight loss and her 2004 marriage to AL REYNOLDS, where she plugged companies on air in exchange for freebies for her wedding. Walters adds, "We tried to talk them out of it and we tried to give Star time to redeem herself in the eyes of the audience, and the research just kept getting worse." Jones Reynold's representative BRAD ZEIFMAN hits back, telling the New York Daily News, "This was never brought to Star's attention. "To the contrary, in November Star was told by executive producers that there's no truth to the tabloid rumours and that they were happy with her performance ratings and had no issues or concerns."
star will survive. i dont like her, but i hardly believe this will ruin her. walters looks like an ass after this. the view sucks.
These women squable like little girls. Barbara is 74 for crying out loud. And Rosie is not better than Star. What a horrible choice.
I wish the view would stop airing all together.
so let me get this straight... they fired star because she lost weight, got married and plugged a few companies because they gave her freebies? sheesh! you would have thought the woman murdered somebody...
its hard as hell out here for a black woman I swear
the whole show is irritating anyway... I can only stand about 5 minutes of it before they all start sounding like a bunch of cackling hens
The show sucked before Star left, and it still won't thrieve with Rosie's lying self. Rosie forgets she kept the biggest secret of her life for years,but she wants to point out Star's weight loss issues. Rosie dear get a reality check home girl, you are old news!!!!! Star's star will live to shine another day. If she was stupid and blonde like Paris Hilton it would not have mattered what she plugged on the show! It's the fact that she's Africian American , because if you look at any talk show they all plug products as well as sponors. It is the Americian way, you wash my back and I'll wash yours. I think Star was extremely irriating sometimes when it came to her wedding as well as all the sucking up to the celebrities, but she did not deserve what Ms.Walter's did to her. Ms Walter's can deny her role in this situation all she wants, but God is all knowing! Ms.
Walter's needs to remember what goes around comes around. I will support Star even though she is not very likeable with the attitude she has taken since getting stardom on the view! Star also needs to reconnect with the people, and come down a little off her high horse. Stand with the people who put you in power at all times; the viewers!!Ms. Walters may have hired you, but the people keep you on the air. If we don't watch you get cancelled!!!!!
I agree. rosie is a hypocrite. i believe the best is yet to come from star.
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