Newly fired co-host of "The View," Star Jones Reynolds, apologized to fans on Friday for getting "caught in the euphoria" of marital bliss when she planned her lavish, freebie-filled wedding in 2004.
Reynolds' mea culpa for behavior that earned her the label "Bridezilla" in tabloid headlines two years ago came during an appearance on NBC's "Today" show, one of several interviews she has given since her messy departure from "The View" this week.
ABC and Barbara Walters, creator, executive producer and lead host of "The View," has said the negative publicity surrounding Reynolds' wedding extravaganza was a key factor in turning viewers against her, which ultimately cost Reynolds her job.
The former prosecutor, then known as Star Jones, came under fire around the time of her November 2004 wedding to Al Reynolds when she accepted expensive wedding supplies and services for free, donated by corporate "sponsors" in return for publicity.
On Friday, Reynolds, 44, acknowledged that she had gotten carried away with her nuptials.
"I don't think I took the viewers on the right journey with me, and I want to apologize for that," she said. "I was a 40-year-old who, according to urban legend, had a better chance of being kidnapped by a terrorist than getting married. And I was caught in the euphoria. And I think I used, and some would say abused, my celebrity in planning the wedding."
If she had it to do over again, Reynolds added, "I would be more humble, and I would allow them to see the genuine character of who I am, which I hope they see right now."
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