Thursday, September 07, 2006


It's becoming quite clear to me that miss Knowles does'nt have an original bone in her. /this is getting quite ridiculous

from Perez Hilton


At September 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! i am speechless

At September 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

really...yall really think she is fake? pfff...why is she on top right now? i really think she can combine both shakira-J.Lo-or anybody style and skills that's y she' the queen...she also said shakira inspired her, that she was a big fan and wanted to do some with her...what's wrong...pure haters spendig their time trying to make her reign'll fail cuz the chick got 650 000 records sold the first week...what?

At September 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no honey what would make her the queen would be having others imitate her no vice-versa. she is a fraud

At September 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody can sell a huge amount in the first week. it doesnt make your music the best. you can actually pay people to buy your sh!t did you know that? thats what they did for ashanti's first cd. it happens.

At September 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

she is un-original. how can you say that she is a queen? wouldnt you be upset if someone kept dressing like you, acting and moving like you at your job/school whatever? it can be flattering but wouldnt you think they should be having their own ideas?

At September 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya'll bitches are so LAME everybody copies Beyonce, like Rihanna, Christina Milian and many others so don't start that shit, I bet you she was not thinking of none of those bitches when she did what she did and all of the pictures with her and shakira is straight BULLSHIT and ya'll need to get fucking lives of your own.

At September 10, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's sad that people refuse to believe Beyonce copies other people when the proof is right in front of them. However, people claim that other people are copying her. If it is possible for Rihanna and Cristiana Milian to copy Beyonce then why is it not possible for Beyonce to copy someone else. The younger generation has no clue about music and think Beyonce created everything when it is quite evident that she did not. It is quite clear that she does copy Shakira, J.Lo and Janet. If not mistaking she even had the guy who was working with J.Lo produce her first video which I thought was some hoodrat trying to be J.Lo before I found out it was Beyonce. --To be honest I believe her music is suppose to appeal to teenagers because her lyrics absolutely suck. and the people who get upset when others do not like beyonce, thats life we don't have to like her so called music. --by the way, if any of you would like be become singers it is very possible to sing any thing and make it big---she did.---Oh just because someone sells a lot of records doesn't mean that person is good, you must consider the audience, some people will by anything. India Arie, Jill Scott and Heather Headley are all great artist with amazing lyrics. however, because they write on a level some people can not relate to they don't sell a lot of records. Alica Keys is another great artist who never had to strip to sell a record.

At September 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At September 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At September 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know thats right, Alicia Keys is my girl, and no she dosent have to strip and dance like she at
Players Club to perform or sell records@!!

At September 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beyonce is way over rated.

At September 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its probaly too late her Soul has been soled at a large price.

At September 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, I'm the one that wrote the comment anonymous sept. 08 and once again I will say ya'll are tripping now I will say that the britney spears thing was suspect until she stated on 106 and park that she got concept of coming down on a harness from Mr. & Mrs. Smith because people on the internet were calling her and Jay-z the new Mr. and Mrs. Smith the rest came from her video which was not her idea she said it was the director's idea ( can't remember her name) next is the Shakira pics which don't resemble for shit, next is Jennifer Lopez I did see the resemblence and that I will let slide next mariah carey does resemble but if you look at the videos they don't, next is the alligator pose her album was giving you the down south, southern, creole feel and most of her promotional pictures were taken around the swamp so I knew eventually she would have crocs in one of her pics,the jennifer lopez dance thing again I would say if you look at the video they do not resemble the point that I am trying to make is a photo can take a pic of someone that looks like they picking their noses when in actuality they might be just getting something off of there noses and that's how tricky a picture can be so don't assume something just because you see a picture of it one time papparazzi had a picture and it was all over the internet about jamie foxx kissing meagen good and everybody thought they were a couple until another person that was filming put the video on the internet that he actually only kissed her cheek so think about that.

At September 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At this point I'm done feeling sorry for beyonce. I think she is digging her own grave. she neds to take a break and go somewhere before we make her

At September 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At September 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^^^^^I totally agree with you^^^^^

At September 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

beyonce is the idiot. she has been EXPOSED

At September 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At September 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of those pics aren't even the same and Perez Hilton doesn't have a life. I think its dumb for everone else to be posting this dumb shit too. I heard that Perez was somewhere where Beyonce was and she thought he was a waiter. So he has been dissing her ever since then, but he never talks about how his beloved Paris Hilton's album flopped. He's nothing but a star fucker.

At September 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At September 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

are u kidding me!!!!????? beyonce steals from everybody!!!! damn gurl, I hate u!!!!!

At September 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rihanna and christian milian may steal from beyonce bcuz beyonce herself steals from others!!!!!

At September 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can i say Shakira Poser? Honestly the first thing i thought of when i seen this is wtf is this a tribute to Shakira? Honestly shes biting a bit to hard on Shakiras style. And to the one who said Beyonce was doing that well before Shakira, get a clue, Shakira's first album came out in 96, Destiny's child if i'm not mistaken came out in 98. Get your facts right. But besides that Beyonce said shes a huge fan of Shakira, and that she loves her.

At September 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still love you Beyonce!

At September 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow beyonce kicks ass so everyone shutup and for those of yall who said that she cant sing what the hell are u talking about?? that girl has an amazing voice and i bet you could never sing like that and her lyrics are also amazing beyonce is amazing in everyway and she is such a good role modle to young girls because unlike all those dumb skinny ass girls she has a body and shows that you should love yourself and be yourself and she is herself so leave her alone becuase shes here to stay so get used to it!!

At September 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

um . . .chances are - she's doing moves that everyone else is doing because some choreographer with the "latest" dances teaches all of these women what works and what doesn't

you could say shakira - (among others . . . ) copies beyonce - or any african american or afro latinos - because most of the hip shaking dances are derivatives from afro-latin dance as well as african american forms (from the same place where slaves were imported . . .doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this one out) from the tango, mamba, rhumba, salsa . . . all latin dances are derived from . . . west africa and imported via slavery. let's get real . . . the history is not that old and it's obvious to most. beyonce's roots are from louisiana (which has a deep and continuous connection with afro-latin culture/creole - in the arts/dance/language etc). beyonce's dancing and latest album reflect this. if another dancer has done similar moves - before her - so what? who cares? the moves were there long before these other dancers existed . . and guess where most of them came from?

so copying is an interesting thing. considering the amount of women (majority being white) who use silicon with breasts and buttocks . . .and sing "soul"/gospel . . . imitating people of west african diaspora - makes you wonder . . . -

however these "frauds" (shakira and the rest) seem inspired by afro cultural forms - and make it their own. that is what counts.

so in the end - who copies who is not the fraud. your silly blog - is.

oh - by the way - just an after thought - i was born in uppsala sweden with no ties to beyonce's music until recently. in fact i did not like her music until this last album (which is more creative than most of the crap that is out there)

At September 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey listen this has nothing to do with silicon or whatever the fact is beyonce is not original its got nothing to do with the rest of the world and slavery get over yourself

At June 07, 2007, Blogger by chance said...

lol @ the above. Clearly you're very simple minded to not see the reference.

Anyway, the J.Lo shot from "I'm Glad" shouldn't count, considering its a frame by frame homage to the film "Flashdance" anyway.

At June 22, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny how almost no one realizes that the artists aren't the directors of the music and aren't the coreographers and aren't the photographers that run photo shoots.
and have you not taken into consideration the fact that immitation is the best form of flattry? when you get your hair done, don't you usually have an idea from a magazine in your head and say "i want it like that"? don't we copy stars in our fashion and style? does that make us all un-original?
i don't care if she's "copying" anyone else before her...i mean, put anyone in a field and it would look like they were copying mariah scarry. whatever she's doing is working for her and that's all that matters.

At May 02, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^Not true. Many artists are in control of their artistic work.

That turquoise Jennifer Lopez outfit is inspired by JACKIE KENNEDY, the 'I'm Glad' video is an exact replica of the film FLASHDANCE, so on and so fourth. This whole thing copycat comparison is a joke.

At October 06, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the thing i want to say first is beyonce i loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove u sooooooooooooooooooooooo much so keep doing what u do and don't iet dem haters stop u from doing what u do,believe n, and how u do it. for the ones who love b just as much as i do DATS WATS HOTTTTTTTTTTTTT. and for the ones who hate on her and say she's a fake/copycat!!!!!!!!!!!! tell me why last month (september08) hot 96.3 said that replaceing madonna she is now the second most famous celeberity and she just made 80,000,000,000 dollers so that tells you right there that beyonce is an independent woman and doesn't have to copy off any of dem other b****** now what


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