Thursday, January 18, 2007


Matthew Knowles can't over the fact that Beyonce is not as great of an actress as he wishes. Here is what he had to say the night of the Golden Globe Awards after Beyonce left empty handed:

"Today is MLK's birthday and it saddens me to say that things have not changed for blacks. Working class blacks and blacks in Hollywood are still being discriminated against. We still have a long way to go,"

Ok, that statement is true in certain situations. But come on, if she sucks she sucks. Not everyone is going to like her "acting skills". Get a life Papa Knowles, and talk when it's relevant.


At January 18, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Knowles really needs to get a life of his own, and stop trying to make a mountain out of that mole hill of a daughter of his. God does not like ugly, and Mr. Knowles past bad behaviors are coming back on his daughter. She was not the lead actress and should not have been billed as such!!! I'm glad she lost, maybe this will teach her father you can't always buy or bully your way to the top. Maybe if he put more effort into Kelly Rowland's career instead of Beyonce he would get an Oscar for a true star!!!!

At January 19, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mathew Knowles needs his ass kicked. Beyonce got nominated for a Golden Globe in the same category with the likes of MERYL STREEP (legendary actress and former Oscar winner), and Mathew still isn't satisfied.

Getting nominated for a Golden Globe is not a's a privilege. So a "nomination" should have been good enough. Mathew is just pissy because Jennifer Hudson is getting all the shine, and she took home a Golden Globe Award. Beyonce already has everything else, and Mathew helped her get what more can Mathew ask for?

At January 23, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with both comments!
its annoying when people like mathew use the race card for stupid reasons and mess it up for people who really face racism because no one will listen thanks to wining idiots like beyonces dad who dont know when to SHUT UP!

At February 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dumbass must not have been watching the globes, because last time I checked, Eddie Murphy and Jennifer Hudson were both Black, and they both won! This stupid statement just adds more fuel to the fire of why people are starting to lose interest in Beyonce.


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