Jennifer Hudson won Best Supporting Actress for her role as Effie in DreamGirls. I'm so happy for her! No other American Idol reject has ever achieved so much. Not only did she win big, she also gave an outsanding performance along with her co-stars. You go girl!
Singer Ceejay attended a party in Beverly Hills last night. She looks pretty. I wonder when she's coming out. Its about time we had some new ladies because the industry has been going through a dry spell lately.
Rihanna (among several others) showed up at Clive Davis' pre-grammy party. She looks cute, but each time I see her I think of how slutty her image has become. None the less she pulled off the tiny dress better than Ciara did. And she was also photographed with Ciara's ex Bow Wow. Oh oh it's on! Ok, we're just instigating let's hope everyone enjoys the Granny's Grammy's tonight.
Justin Timberlake and K-Fed met up at a pre-grammy party the other day. K-Fed kind of looks like some bus boy of some sort at the party(I mean seriously how did he get in??) and Justin looks like he's embarassed to be seen with him.
Beyonce joined disney to promote their summmer fun by dressing up as Alice in Wonderland. She almost looks like a little girl in that outfit. It's always interesting how one minute she is really tan and the next she is giving Micheal Jackson a run for his money...Cough!
Troubled former model and playboy playmate Anna Nicole Smith has died. She collapsed at the Hard Rock Cafe in Florida and was taken to Hollywood Hospital where she was dead on arrival. It's damn shame! Her son just died, she just got married and she just had a baby. Dang! Poor little girl.